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Expert House & Commercial Painters


Oakwood Exterior Painting

If you just bought your dream house and you want to coat it with something new, or if your three-year-old home needs an exterior makeover, you need a trusted professional painter to do the job. You need the top-notch Oakwood exterior painting services of a leading painting contractor, Alpharetta Painter.

Oakwood Exterior Painting Long Island Exterior Painting 300x182One of the proven ways to increase the value of your home both in the real estate industry and aesthetically is to do an exterior paint job. At Alpharetta Painter, we know how much stress unreliable painting contractors can cause, especially if they cannot deliver their work according to the original arrangements. If you work with us, we assure you that our highly experienced team will produce stunning exterior painting results on time and within budget.

And because painting exteriors requires more than just paint and brushes, we also offer the full range of services that the project will need. From offering stellar customer service for warranty deals to doing necessary structural repairs before painting on surfaces, we’ve got your back. If you’re looking for a quality Oakwood, GA exterior painting company, Alpharetta Painter is your best choice.

Call Alpharetta Painter at 770-767-3289 for your Free Consultation with an Oakwood Exterior Painting expert!

What to Consider When Hiring for Exterior Painting

Painting the exteriors of a building may seem like a simple job. But without the necessary preparations, repairs, and maintenance, an amateur painter who does the job may only open the surfaces to risks of damage and early deterioration.

If you’re still contemplating on getting a professional painting contractor, here are the important factors that you should consider:

Age of the home

The age of a home is relevant in considering a professional painter primarily because of the Environmental Protection Agency’s policies. Any residential building built before 1978 must be evaluated for the significant presence of lead. If the results are positive, only a lead-safe certified professional painting contractor must do the paint job.

Materials used for the surface

Not every part of a house is made of concrete. Some parts of the exterior structures of residential units can be made of wood or steel. A professional painter will know which types of paint and substrates will work best for each kind of material present in the house. Moreover, some structures, especially those from older houses, may need repairs or replacements before they are stable enough to be coated with new paint.

Size of the home

The size of the home is an important factor because it can dictate how many resources the contractor must offer. The scheduling, budgeting, and expertise of the painter will depend on the building size.


Oakwood Exterior Painting Acessibility 300x200Some houses will require special equipment and expertise from a painting contractor. Multi-story units, unconventionally structured houses, or those with special locations may be too difficult for an amateur painter to handle.


The budget is clearly an important factor in determining whether or not you should get a professional contractor. The cost difference between an amateur painter and a professional is significant, considering all the tools that will be used, the products that will be applied, and the labor costs.

Getting a professional to do the paint job may cost you more. But in the long run, you may be able to save a lot more resources, as professional painters know how to avoid causing future problems to the house’s exterior and do the job in the safest possible way.

Maintaining Exterior House Painting

Oakwood Exterior Painting Maintaining Exterior House Painting 300x200Paint applied to exterior structures, no matter how good the quality is, will inevitably face natural elements on a daily basis. To maintain the paint’s visual quality, maintenance efforts like power washing, gutter cleaning, and regular landscaping must be done regularly.

According to experts, these tasks must ideally be done during a month that has an average temperature between 35 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, if you live in an area where the climate is relatively worse, maintenance must be performed more frequently.

This job is not exactly painting, but it is very important in the process of preserving your exterior paint’s quality. As a top Oakwood exterior painting company, Alpharetta Painter also offers these maintenance services. So don’t hesitate to give us a call for any paint-related need that you have.

Full-Service Exterior Painting Company

Alpharetta Painter believes in more than just offering paint jobs. We are highly dedicated to providing quality workmanship because we believe that we can make a difference in people’s lives through beautiful coating done right. Whatever kind of painting services or product you want, we will make sure to deliver it at its best quality.

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Our current and potential clients are always welcome to give us a call for any inquiry and enjoy our free consultation services. During these discussions, we aim to have a strong understanding of what kinds of services and products our customers are looking for. We also show them the parameters of what we can offer, including the many options of colors and substrates, the reasonable costs of our products and services, and the timetable of the project.

Once you approve our quotation, our team will immediately be ready to start on the job. All preparations will be carried out, including cleaning molds and mildew, repairing broken structures, and covering all gaps to avoid water damage. Any surface or object that needs protection from paint marks will be covered. We always use the best paint products to ensure their visual quality and longevity. And once the project is done, our team will also clean up the area so you can immediately admire your newly furnished exterior!

If you have more concerns after the project, such as a desire to hire us again for a new job or questions about regular paint maintenance, we will always be ready to attend to your needs.

Free Consultation Today

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Coating the exterior parts of your house is not really a simple task. It involves many factors, like maintenance, product quality, costs, and visual appeal, that only professional painting contractors can understand at an expert level. Alpharetta Painter offers a complete and high-quality Oakwood exterior painting service package that you can enjoy. Call us now for a hassle-free exterior makeover!

Call Alpharetta Painter at 770-767-3289 for your Free Consultation with an Oakwood Exterior Painting expert!